Uniforms - Prince of Peace Lutheran School
Prince of Peace Anaheim School is a private christian school committed to supporting a Christ centered preschool and day school (kindergarten thru 8th grade) while maintaining the highest in academic standards. We also offer preschool for ages 24 months to 5 years.
Private Christian School, Lutheran School, Christian School, Lutheran, K-8, Anaheim, Orange County


All students in grades K to 8 are required to wear uniforms. Uniforms may be purchase from Lands End or from any store within guidelines. Shirts must be red, navy, or white. Bottoms must be navy or khaki. All shirts must have our Prince of Peace logo.   PE Uniforms are only for grades 5-8.



  • Friday is Spirit Shirt Day. Students may wear “free dress” bottoms with their shirt.
  • S.L.T. sells spirit shirts in the fall. Check your news notes for the order form.