PTAL - Prince of Peace Lutheran School
Prince of Peace Anaheim School is a private christian school committed to supporting a Christ centered preschool and day school (kindergarten thru 8th grade) while maintaining the highest in academic standards. We also offer preschool for ages 24 months to 5 years.
Private Christian School, Lutheran School, Christian School, Lutheran, K-8, Anaheim, Orange County

Who We Are

PTAL stands for Parent, Teacher, Alumni League. The success of Prince of Peace relies on the support and dedication of all Parents, Teachers, Staff, and Alumni. Please join the Prince of Peace PTAL and help support our school!

Everyone is welcome and it’s never too late to join! If you would like to join PTAL please contact the School Office.

Next Event

…. please see our School Calendar for PTAL events

Next Meeting

… please see our School Calendar for the next meeting

Get Involved

In need of required service hours? Come to PTAL Meetings and receive required service hours. PTAL Meetings and events are a great way to earn your required 40 service hours and get to know others parents. We always need volunteers! Please email us if you would like to volunteer!